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Seminar 1
Developing Variation
Seminar 1
A talk on how to develop your material - the single most important part of any composer’s skill set.
​Selections from composers: Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Ravel, James Newton Howard, Rossini, Herrmann, Debussy, Coltrane, Mahler, Williams, and Copland.
Topics covered: What is a Motive? - The Phrase - Techniques of Development - Repetition - Sequence - Form - Rhythm - Orchestration - Reharmonization - Register
85 minutes
Seminar 2
Examining film scores
Seminar 2: John Williams
A chance to listen to, and learn about, several magnificent movie scores. Special emphasis will be on discovering new techniques to incorporate into your own writing.
Selections from composers: Michael Giacchino (John Carter), John Williams (Schindler's List), Hans Zimmer (Batman Begins), Michael Kamen (Robin Hood) Elmer Bernstein (To Kill a Mockingbird), and Tom Newman (Shawshank Redemption)
Topics covered: Texture- Doubling - Orchestral Weight - Issues of Form - Highlighting - Intriguing Instrumental Combinations - Modulations - How a Composer Alters a Cue after Hearing it Live
110 minutes.
Seminar 3
The Rite of Spring and Le Tombeau De Couperin
Seminar 3
An examination of how Stravinsky and Ravel turned their piano works into the orchestral masterpieces we know and love.
Selections from composers: Igor Stravinsky (The Rite of Spring), Maurice Ravel (Le Tombeau de Couperin)
Topics covered: Unusual Instrumentation - Harmonic Innovations- Stravinsky Rhythm - Solo versus Tutti - Use of Contrast - Adding harmonic pads- New Material not Present in the Original Piano Score - What is the Role of the Percussion? - How is the Atmosphere Established?
120 minutes.
Seminar 4
Modes and Hexachords
Seminar 4
An examination of the usage of modes, pentatonic scales, and hexachords to enrich your writing and help your writing become more sophisticated.
Selections from composers:
Poulenc, Ravel, Debussy, Milhaud, Satie, Bartok, and Casella.
100 minutes.