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Orchestration I:
Orchestration II:
Tuesdays, 7 pm. - 10 p.m.
@ Local 47, Rehearsal Room 7
Free classes for AFM Local 47 members
Learn orchestration the practical way with a pair of free courses at Local 47.
In his paired Orchestration I and II course, Dr. Norman Ludwin will offer Local 47 members a unique hands-on learning experience using real film scores taught by an industry professional.
Dr. Ludwin — an active session bass player, teacher, composer, and orchestrator — has presented his orchestration classes at Local 47 for the past 20 years. This July Norman will be teaching courses in film music, orchestration, and 20th century harmony in Madrid, Rome, Munich, Zurich, Prague, Toronto, New York, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Ho Chi Minh City, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janiero,Bangkok, Singapore, Brazil, and Kuala Lumpur.
Modified from the course he teaches in the UCLA Extension Film Scoring Program, the paired course offered at Local 47 focus on practical knowledge and fundamental techniques. Orchestration I covers the basics: ranges, strength and weaknesses of the instruments, transpositions and how to orchestrate clearly and effectively. As he did last year to much praise, Ludwin will again focus on film music in Orchestration II. Using current scores, Ludwin plans to instruct on selections from Michael Giacchino, Thomas Newman, John Williams, Hans Zimmer, among others.
“I recently took Norman Ludwin’s Orchestration I and II classes and wanted to tell you how wonderful they were,” said Joellen McNaughton , who took both classes. “To get instruction from a guy who has a doctorate, is a top-call session bassist, who plays in professional orchestras and is a working orchestrator was fantastic. I intend to repeat his Orchestration II course whenever it is offered.”
“Dr. Ludwin explained everything so clearly in the classroom and in the course materials that it all simply seemed so obvious to me,” said former student Kelly Moore. “It takes a very talented teacher to reveal information that well, and Dr. Ludwin does just that and with a wonderful dose of humor to spice it all up. Each class was informative and enormously fun, too. I now have not only a much better and deeper understanding and appreciation of classical music, which has always thrilled the child in me, but have further discovered my own abilities in composition as well as learning arranging and orchestration.”
Even if you have limited or no experience in orchestration, Ludwin strongly encourages you to attend his classes to learn this important craft that can boost your career.
Space is limited, and you must reserve your spot to ensure a seat in the class.