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I will be teaching a new course on 20th Century Harmony, starting December 1st, based on Vincent Persichetti’s seminal booK: “Twentieth Century Harmony”.
For those who are not aware of this book, it is an all encompassing treatise on harmonic procedures, specifically focusing on music of the first half of the twentieth century.
His book covers all aspects of music including scales, harmony, rhythm, and development.
This will not be a conventional harmony class but rather a systematic approach to harmonic language.
This is a ton of material to cover but it will be mind expanding. The classes will be held in Mount Washington, and will consist of lectures, score study, and writing work.
For folks not in LA, the classes will be videotaped, so your purchase price will allow you to download the videos of the classes.
I have wanted to teach this course for many years, and am so excited to be finally doing it!
Class One: Intervals - Scale Materials December 1st 10:00-1:00
Class Two: Chords by Thirds - Chords by Fourths December 8th 10:00-1:00
Class Three: Added-Notes Chords- Chords by Seconds- Polychords December 15th 10:00-1:00
Class Four: Compound and Mirror Harmony - Harmonic Direction December 22nd 2:00-5:00 (note later time)
Class Five: Timings and Dynamics-Embellishments and Transformation December 29th 10:00-1:00
Class Six: Key Centers- Harmonic Synthesis January 5th 10:00-1:00
Single class tickets are available here:
All six classes tickets are available here:
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